


Grange Quality Assured Concrete Kitemark Licence KM 562490

Here you can find information on most of the concrete mixes we supply in accordance with BS8500-2: 2016, please contact us with any queries and our expert team will be happy to assist, you can find information and photographs of our two high output static plants based at Lockerbie and Dalbeattie.

Concrete Volume Calculator

Designated Concrete

GEN0 to GEN4, RC16/20 to RC40/50, PAV1 – PAV2, FND1 – FND4

Full range of BS8500 designated mixes for foundations, floors, sub-floors, garage floors, external paving, reinforced, house building and all agricultural uses

Design Concrete

C6/10 to C40/50

Full range of BS8500 design mixes for foundations, floors, sub-floors, garage floors, external paving, reinforced, house building and all agricultural uses

Standardised Prescribed Concrete

ST1 to ST5

Standard mixes with prescription cement contents for use in all applications


Proprietary Concrete

An ever growing range of special products to cover all needs

Foamed Concrete

Grange Foam

Foamed concrete for trench re-instatement

Watertight Concrete

Grange Watertight

Watertight Concrete For Locations With Possible Water Ingress

Waterproof Concrete

Grange Waterproof

Waterproof (anti wash out) Concrete For Pouring Direct Into Water

Cement Bound Material

Grange CBGM

Cement Bound Granular Material


Flowing Concrete

Grange SCC 10mm / 20mm
Fully self compacting concrete which achieves compaction into every part of the mould or formwork. This is done simply by means of its own weight without any segregation of the coarse aggregate


Grange Cemfloor
Cement based screed supplied in liquid form via truck mixer, commonly used as a solution in underfloor heating applications, set levels and pour into place with minimal working required, very low shrinkage, walk on it the next day, Cemfloor Screeds can be trafficked earlier and used in environments where water is present

Grange 14:1
ScreedWeak sand cement screed often used for flagging etc

Grange 8:1
ScreedWeak sand cement screed often used for flagging etc

Grange 4:1
ScreedHouse flooring screed, can also be used in underfloor heating applicationsGrange 3:1 ScreedHouse flooring screed, can also be used in underfloor heating applications

Fibre Concrete

Various types of fibre may be added to the concrete to improve its properties. The main fibres used are steel, polypropylene and macro synthetic

Steel fibre concrete is used extensively for industrial ground-supported floors. The fibres provide some degree of control over the formation of early thermal and shrinkage cracks. They give the hardened concrete some post-cracking residual strength.

Various types of short polypropylene fibre may be added to concrete. The fibres are used to reduce the risk of crack formation in young concrete (plastic cracking). They do not significantly affect the properties of the hardened concrete and can be used to provide freeze thaw and impact resistance

Larger diameter synthetic fibres known as macro synthetic fibres can give similar post-cracking strength to steel fibres. They are used in similar applications, particularly when there are concerns about durability.

A recent innovation has been the use of steel or macro synthetic fibres to replace the nominal reinforcement in composite slabs on metal decking (Structural elements/Suspended floors/Steel concrete composite suspended floors).

Grange has extensive experience of the use of all fibre types in concrete, if you have any queries on the use of fibres please feel free to ask us and we will be able to help.







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